This blog has become less than regular, partially because I'm very busy and partially because my life is just a bit overwhelming to me right now, but some exciting events have happened and I just have to tell you all about them. I'll save them for the end, so you'll read the whole thing.
It's January in Berlin and snow sometimes falls in fat flakes, sticking in my eyelashes so I have to blink them away. At 4 o' clock, the sun begins to descend and the world turns a beautiful and cool shade of blue, earth and sky a mirror of periwinkle and still. It is a time of Hot Chocolate with rum, inside time, quiet introspection.
After several years, I have begun my meditation practice again. It's short, usually only 5 or 10 minutes of sitting and breathing, clearing the mind. Hopefully it will help me make wise decisions, be more patient with myself and others, and remember that I can be self-reliant.
Another thing that continually teaches me patience is teaching English. I have 3 or 4 regular clients. I either go to their homes or they come here. Teaching adults is great fun. Who knew? They are motivated, want to learn! One of my clients is a pharmacist, so we talk about medicine and illness. I get to plumb the depths of my mind for information I used to know when I worked at veterinary hospitals. This client also has a huge framed print of Laurel and Hardy hanging over the sofa in her living room. We are definitely a good match. Then there are the two women who come to my kitchen on Thursday evenings. They both work with physically disabled adults. They are very in touch with their creative minds. We analyze poetry and read feminist biographies, exploring vocabulary and cultural idioms. I usually have these clients on the same day, the pharmacist in the morning and the two women in the evening. I love these days. I get to flex my science brain, my teacher brain, and my creative mind all at once! Love it!
My other regular client is a 13 year old boy who's father doesn't speak any English but wants his son to speak English. The kid is 13. Do you think he wants to have more learning time after school, or do you think he wants to play Minecraft?
I even tried to talk to him about his videogames, but this kid does not give a fuck. But it's a job. It can't all be wonderful, right.
I have also been contracted to begin teaching English in Kitas, schools, and private homes, so that is very exciting.
Also, possibly the BEST news is that not only a I performing my 8-minute solo clown piece "ShameNoShame!" at English Theater Berlin's Expat Expo on February 28th, but my 10-minute play "Fluffers" has been selected as one of 5 plays to be produced in the 10-minute play festival at English Theater Berlin in March. The premiere is March 8th, and I will be there!
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